These explanation are outdated!
I already wrote a new version and I'm using
ABANDONED project, use gitolite
ssh-acl - An access control list for SSH commands
This set of scripts were done (and are being done) to make life easier to share some functions inside an UNIX account. Like let your friend to push something to a git repository without the need of knowing your password or logging in and run a shell as you.
What Can Be Done
For now we can:
- Add a new key to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys (via add-ssh-key)
- Select users that can run a SHELL
- And set the SHELL that will run
- Select user who can run any program
- Control GIT repositories
- Select users who can clone (default is EVERYONE)
- Select users who can push (default is $USER)
Here you can get the source code and use "make" and "make install" stuff and modify what you want just by downloading ssh-acl-src.tar(bz2)
GIT Repo
If you want to get latest dev version and want to contribute with these scripts you can simple clone our git repo:
git clone http://www.inf.ufpr.br/ribas/repos/ssh-acl.git
Sending Patchs
To send patchs, I like the way of Kernel and Git. You may run:
$ git-format-patch -s -o my_patchs origin $ git-send-email --to ribas_AT_c3sl.ufpr.br my_patchs
- Make SCRIPTS localizable
- pt_BR
- en_US
- ru_RU
- create a better Makefile
- put runnable scripts in a PREFIX/bin
- correct way to install confdirs
- Use user config
- Able to handle a $HOME/.acl
- debian package
- write documentation
- make an easy way of installing scripts